"There is more money wasted in advertising by underspending than by overspending. Years ago someone said that underspending in advertising is like buying a ticket halfway to Europe. You've spent your money but you never get there." - Morris Hite
According to a recent study by eMarketing (http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?R=1008728) brands are are underspending by 10x on mobile vs time spent by consumers on the mobile compared to other channels. People spend a little over an hour of their of time (10.1% of total media consumption) engaging with mobile every day compared a combined total of 44 minutes a day with newspapers and magazines, 4.34 hours watching television, and 2.47 hours on the Internet. Despite this only 0.9% of media budgets are spent on mobile vs 24.7% on newspapers and magazines. And this is only the beginning since mobile usage is still growing rapidly which means that brands should be investing a higher proportion now to build a platform for the future.
We understand that mobile is a complex and sensitive channel for advertising but Golden Gekko, our competitors and colleagues in the industry have thousands of case studies with proven ROI showing the effectiveness of mobile.
So happy holidays and happy new mobile year and show that you are serious about mobile in 2012!
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