Thursday, 8 July 2010

Golden Gekko quoted about iAd in NMA

In the latest issue of New Media Age Apple claims its iAd network is the best way to serve ads to the mobile app generation. Golden Gekko's CEO Magnus Jern was asked how he looks upon the hottest topic in digital advertising right now. Sean HArgrave writes "While many questions have been raised about the iAd platform, Magnus Jern, co-founder of app developer Golden Gekko, believes it represents an exciting opportunity. The company develops scores of iPhone apps every year, including for Universal Pictures and Yellow Pages, in many European countries outside the UK.

“For a developer it’s exciting to be able to add iAds to an app from within the developer kit and have good-looking, creative ads appear which don’t take the audience off to another page,” he says. “One downside is that it represents another format for brands and agencies to have to work with, but the positives of opening up in-app advertising outweigh this. We’ll certainly be using iAd.”

Read the full article... (you'll need an NMA subsribtion to be able to access the article)

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