Saturday, 28 November 2009

Know The Signs Breathalyzer iPhone app from Heineken

Golden Gekko develops iPhone app for Heineken to increase drinking awareness.

We all know someone who sometimes has one too many to drink on a night out. Whether they transform into a Fighter, an Exhibitionist, a Groper, a Flirt, a Sleeper, a Crier or a Stumbler, you can be sure they’re going to cause you problems.

Now if your friend starts to show the signs of turning into one of these characters, you can use the Heineken Breathalyzer before things get out of hand.

All you need to do is pre-set it to one of the seven characters before handing the breathalyzer over to your friend. Ask them to blow into the phone’s microphone and watch their face as they fail dramatically.

Not only will your friend get the message that they’ve had one too many, but they’ll also know what you really think they’re like on a night out!

Click here to download


Sunday, 1 November 2009

Top 10 tips for mobile application development

Mobile applications are high on every digital marketer's agenda at the moment. But what exactly are they for and how can you get the most out of them? Who downloads mobile application?

The IAB (Internet Advertising Board) in the UK recently published a top 10 tips list for mobile application development. One example:

5. Know who the average app user is
There are 8.7 million people who have used a downloaded app in the UK which is 18% of mobile users. 60% of these users are playing games that they have downloaded. The median age of an apps user is 32 years old and 43% are female. 36% of app users own smartphones compared to 15% of the total market. Alistair Hill, Analyst and Mobile Products, Europe, comScore

For the full list visit