Monday, 18 May 2009

Lynx Mobile 2.0: Lynx launches additional weapons of mass seduction following the success of Lynx FX

Considering that the Lynx mobile campaign was the most talked about and awarded mobile marketing campaign in 2008 this one went by quite unnoticed. A couple of weeks ago Unilever launched 3 new weapons of mass seduction (flirting tools) for the mobile.

Our latets favorite is Say Cheese with the following description:
Action speak louder than words. The latest clever mobile tool help you chat up girls. Simply give the girl your mobile and ask her to take a photo of you. Then when she presses the button, your cheeky message to her will appear on the screen instead. A fool proof way to break the ice.

The apps are available for over 500 devices including Nokia, Sony-Ericsson, Samsung, LG, Motorola, Blackberry, etc. To download the latest apps visit on your mobile or on your computer.

Good luck with the flirting!

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