Friday, 13 March 2009

Universal Pictures launches another iPhone app to promote The Boat that Rocked

Today Universal Pictures launched yet another iPhone application developed by Golden Gekko on behalf of Hyper to promote the movie 'The Boat that Rocked'.

Play the official 'The Boat that Rocked" Top Trumps(tm) game with your iPhone or iPod Touch. Based on the original Top Trumps card game, players must choose a character statistic from their dealt card to then be compared against their opponent's card. The player with the highest statistics wins. Two player mode available without the need for a second iPhone or iPod Touch. One player game available against the computer.

Also included is the official movie trailer and photo images from the film.

You can find the application here or


Sunday, 8 March 2009

Golden Gekko in Mobiadnews for the Unborn campaign

The unborn iphone application strikes again. Mobiadnews has a great article and review about the Unborn iphone app campaign. See ...

Friday, 6 March 2009

The Unborn iPhone app nr 8 on iTunes

The Unborn iphone application is now number 8 on iTunes and climbing!

Here are some of the reviews:

5 stars
"Ok you're not likely to keep this on your phone forever but this is a really cool example of how to promote a film. Interesting clips and the call is creepy! Well done!" - Spook73

5 stars
"Great free app! Took a bit of time to find the hidden gems but once I did it was lots of fun and one feature was very spooky. Beats most of the paid for apps. The movie seems fantastic as well. Definitely want to watch the movie straight away!" - Andrew Saggers

4 stars
"I think more films should do this they could have a catorgory 4 it" - Pompey Boo

4 stars
"But cool. I like the call at the end. Only problem, I had an iPod." - The1wholuvsVicky

More to follow...